Charms Classroom ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

Charms are a type of magic spell concerned with enchanting an object to behave in a way that isn't normal for that object. This class is normally loud, and in some people's opinion quite fun. You can talk and laugh and learn all at the same time while practicing the charms you learn in class.

Hospital Wing ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

Students come here when they have an injury or they're sick. There's tons and tons of beds with white sheets and privacy screens. With injury's too serious students and/or staff will be sent to St. Mungo's.

Armor Gallery ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

The armor gallery, while the name is quite self explanatory is adjacent to the trophy room. The armor gallery has a wonderful selection of different kinds of armor.

Trophy Room ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

Students get trophies for special deeds or services to school. These trophies will be displayed here. The room currently has a magnificent selection of different trophies for different students.