Letters From No One

Essentials ( 10 threads + 10 posts )

Everything you need to know to get started on Riddikulus.

Professor Riordan Avatar
Plot & Premise Nov 26, 2023 5:30:31 GMT
Daily Prophet ( 1 thread + 1 post )

Keep up to date with our news & announcements!

Professor Riordan Avatar
Grand Opening Nov 27, 2023 1:55:07 GMT
Site Services ( 5 threads + 7 posts )

Guest friendly! All moderation requests, templates or extras you might need as a member can be found here. This board is also open to any questions or issues that you may have.

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Moderation Requests Nov 30, 2023 0:01:34 GMT
Registration ( 8 threads + 19 posts )

Once you've read all the essential information, the next step is to begin creating your character. Inside we have our sorting ceremony and all claims for your characters.

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Clubs & Organizations Dec 9, 2023 22:38:27 GMT

Limited Time

Hogwarts Express ( 1 thread + 1 post )

All aboard! Next stop, Hogwarts! Grab a compartment with your friends or perhaps one to yourself and make new friends. Sample the sweets on the trolly and enjoy your ride through the countryside. The Hogwarts Express will only be available for a short time.

Rhys O'Farrell Avatar
prefects carriage Nov 27, 2023 1:48:01 GMT
Diagon Alley ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

There's a buzz of excitement in the streets and the wizarding town is busier than ever. With the school year starting, students are flocking to Diagon Alley to get their supplies.


The Grounds ( 1 thread + 2 posts )

The Hogwarts Grounds include the following: Quidditch Pitch, the Whomping Willow, the Forbidden Forest, the Green Houses, Hagrids Hut, the lake and of course the lawns.

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violent roots Nov 29, 2023 0:17:33 GMT
Dungeons & Sub-levels ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

Dark, damp and dingy. Most people only really come down here for class or their common room. The Slytherin Common room can be found within the dungeons themselves but the Hufflepuff Common Room & the kitchens are on a level just before.

Ground Floor ( 2 threads + 2 posts )

The busiest floor in Hogwarts when classes aren't going on. The ground floor plays home to the Great Hall, the Entrance Hall, a small Antechamber, the Staff Room, and the Caretaker's Office.

Roody Avatar
end of feast clean up Nov 27, 2023 21:01:14 GMT
First Floor ( 2 threads + 2 posts )

The first floor has three classrooms, Muggle Studies, History of Magic and the Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

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A World Of Pure Imagination Nov 29, 2023 17:32:11 GMT
Second Floor ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

This floor is quite empty most days. The entrance to the headmaster's office is located here but the actual office is several floors above. There are many empty rooms and secret passages spread throughout the second floor. The girls bathroom is haunted by the ghost known as Moaning Myrtle.

Third Floor ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

The hospital wing and the charms classroom are the main attractions for this floor. But there is also the armor gallery and the trophy room as well.

Fourth Floor ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

The Library & Prefects Lounge call the fourth floor home. There are many empty rooms for study and spell practice.

Fifth Floor ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

Home to the Transfiguration Classroom & Prefects bathroom. There are several empty rooms which are ideal for practicing spells for class.

Sixth Floor ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

This floor contains bathrooms and a couple of classrooms. Ancient Runes and Arithmancy.

Seventh Floor & Towers ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

The seventh floor contains the Gryffindor common room, Room of Requirement, Divinations classroom. The towers include the Astronomy Tower, the North Tower, Gryffindor Tower, the Headmaster's office, the Owlery and the Ravenclaw common room.

Mischief Managed

Common Area ( 1 thread + 1 post )

Come hang out with other members! Introduce yourself, play games, join in on discussions.

Professor Riordan Avatar
Introduce Yourself! Nov 26, 2023 5:26:35 GMT
Portkeys ( 2 threads + 2 posts )

Guest friendly! Please post your advertisements in the appropriate board. Affiliates can be found within as well.

Professor Riordan Avatar
Affiliate With Us Nov 26, 2023 21:42:56 GMT
The Vault ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

Our archives! Threads that have been finished for over 6 months will be moved here during our mid-year clean outs.


Recent Threads + Recent Posts

( 0 Staff + 0 Members + 1 Guest )

37 total threads
54 total posts
6 total members


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Deleted: Thanks. And same. Just applied for my second charrie Nov 28, 2023 23:49:58 GMT
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Deleted: oooh, maybe i'll make a professor too. Nov 28, 2023 23:55:01 GMT
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Deleted: *dances* Nov 28, 2023 23:59:26 GMT
Professor Riordan Avatar
Professor Riordan: oo love to see it! Nov 28, 2023 23:59:50 GMT
Professor Riordan Avatar
Professor Riordan: i'm already planning lessons for professor adnane. i've only played a herbology teacher before so this should be a lot of fun Nov 29, 2023 0:00:20 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Deleted: I'm very excited to figure out some good DADA classes, I've been wanting to write a dada professor! Nov 29, 2023 0:19:27 GMT
Professor Riordan Avatar
Professor Riordan: thats a really great class! i can't wait to play in them as my students Nov 29, 2023 0:33:36 GMT
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Deleted: *random dancing* Nov 29, 2023 1:09:23 GMT
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Deleted: *dances in professor as well* Nov 29, 2023 2:57:12 GMT
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Deleted: Good almost-afternoon, yall Nov 29, 2023 17:33:22 GMT
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Deleted: Hey guesties! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Nov 29, 2023 18:48:51 GMT
Professor Riordan Avatar
Professor Riordan: good morning everyone! Nov 29, 2023 21:32:03 GMT
Professor Riordan Avatar
Professor Riordan: i noticed that proboards sites get HEAPS of guests Nov 29, 2023 21:32:22 GMT
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Deleted: i noticed that, too Nov 29, 2023 22:50:44 GMT
Guest Avatar
Hayson: Is the site new? Is it active? Dec 3, 2023 2:36:40 GMT
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Deleted: yes and yes Dec 7, 2023 1:26:23 GMT
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Blue: hiya Jan 19, 2024 21:53:21 GMT
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Blue: man, this cbox takes me back Jan 19, 2024 21:53:37 GMT
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Urple Durple: How are we doing in March? Still alive? Anyone posting? Mar 24, 2024 2:37:46 GMT
Professor Riordan Avatar
Professor Riordan: Please excuse the mess while the site goes through a revamp! Oct 1, 2024 8:12:10 GMT
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( 0 Staff + 0 Members + 25 Guests )